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Temperature/Relative Humidity Data Logger HOBO Bluetooth Low Energy - MX1101


HOBO MX1101 data logger mengukur dan mentransmisikan data suhu dan kelembaban relatif secara nirkabel ke perangkat mobile melalui teknologi Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).


Logger data nirkabel mandiri, yang bekerja dengan aplikasi HOBOmobile® Onset untuk pengaturan logger dan pengelolaan data, memungkinkan Anda mengakses data kapan saja dari perangkat mobile untuk iOS atau Android dengan jarak 100 kaki, dan tidak memerlukan peralatan khusus selain perangkat mobile untuk mengonfigurasikan logger atau membaca data.


Dengan menggunakan aplikasi HOBOmobile® Onset yang gratis, Anda dapat melihat data dalam grafik, memeriksa status operasional penebang kayu, mengkonfigurasi pemberitahuan alarm, dan berbagi file data.


Highlighted Features

  • Wireless communication via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology
  • Easy to deploy and offload using free HOBOmobile App
  • Visual and audible high & low alarm thresholds
  • Stores 84,000 measurements
  • Accuracy: +/- 0.2C and +/- 2%RH
  • Find me/pager feature
  • Patented connectivity technology


Temperature Sensor
Range -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Accuracy ±0.21°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.38°F from 32° to 122°F)
Resolution 0.024°C at 25°C (0.04°F at 77°F)
Drift <0.1°C (0.18°F) per year
RH Sensor*
Range 1% to 90%, non-condensing
Accuracy ±2.0% from 20% RH to 80% RH typical to a maximum of ±4.5% including hysteresis at 25?C (77?F); below 20% RH and above 80% RH ±6% typical
Resolution 0.01%
Drift <1% per year typical
Response Time
Temperature 7:30 minutes in air moving 1 m/s (2.2 mph)
RH 20 seconds to 90% in airflow of 1 m/s (2.2 mph)
Radio Power 1 mW (0 dBm)
Transmission Range Approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) line-of-sight
Wireless Data Standard Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth 4.0)
Logger Operating Range -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F); 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Logging Rate 1 second to 18 hours
Logging Modes Fixed interval (normal, statistics) or burst
Memory Modes Wrap when full or stop when full
Start Modes Immediate, push button, date & time, or next interval
Stop Modes When memory full, push button, date & time, or after a set logging period
Restart Mode Push button
Time Accuracy ±1 minute per month at 25°C (77°F)
Battery Life 1 year, typical with logging interval of 1 minute. Faster logging and/or statistics sampling intervals, entering burst logging mode, and remaining connected with HOBOmobile will impact battery life. Excessive readouts, checking of Full Status Details, audible alarms, and paging all impact battery life. Visual alarms and other events can have a marginal impact on battery life.
Battery Type Two AAA 1.5 V alkaline batteries, user replaceable
Memory 128 KB (84,650 measurements, maximum)
Full Memory Download Time Approximately 60 seconds; may take longer the further the device is from the logger
LCD LCD is visible from 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F); the LCD may react slowly or go blank in temperatures outside this range
Size 3.66 x 8.48 x 2.29 cm (1.44 x 3.34 x 0.9 in.)
Weight 56 g (1.98 oz)


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Artikel Terkait dengan Produk Temperature/Relative Humidity Data Logger HOBO Bluetooth Low Energy - MX1101





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