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HOBO RX3000 Remote Weather Station Starter Kit


The HOBO RX3000 Weather Station Starter Kit provides instant access to site-specific air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed/direction data anywhere, anytime on your desktop or mobile device.


The RX3000 accepts up to 10 plug-and-play Smart Sensors. Just plug in your sensor and it’s automatically recognized – no programming, wiring, or calibration necessary.


This weather station kit includes a one-year cellular data plan plus cloud-based data access through HOBOlink – for 24/7 access to your data and the ability to verify RX3000 system status, set up and manage alarm notifications, and schedule automated delivery of data.


  • Provides basic components needed for any weather monitoring application
  • Cloud-based data access
  • Plug-and-play operation
  • Rugged double-weatherproof enclosure
  • Provides alarm notification via text, email
  • In addition to the included temp, RH, wind speed/direction measurements, other sensor options can be added (as noted below), depending on your application requirements 


  • HOBO RX3000 Cellular Data Logger
  • 5W Solar Panel - SOLAR-5W
  • Temperature/RH Smart Sensor with 2-meter cable - S-THB-M002
  • Wind Speed Smart Sensor with 3-meter cable - S-WSB-M003
  • Wind Direction Smart Sensor with 3-meter cable - S-WDA-M003
  • Full Crossarm for Wind Speed/Direction sensors - M-CAA
  • Solar Radiation Shield for Temperature & RH sensor - RS3-B
  • Cloud-based data access through HOBOlink


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