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Lab Valley Beater


Instrumen ini digunakan untuk laboratorium mengalahkan pulp di bawah kondisi standar untuk menentukan perilaku pulp saat subjekpemukulan jadwal yang pasti. Pemukul ini cocok untuk memeriksarutin pulp di laboratorium

Bersih Volume 25 liter 680 tulang-kering pulp g pada konsentrasi2-2.5%.

Sejumlah pulp sesuai dengan 360 gram serat OD diambil di bakdiisi dengan 18 liter air dan mempertahankan suhu sesuai yang ditentukan. Tuas pelat dilepaskan untuk tidur terlibat dan roll beateruntuk dipukuli. Pulp dipukuli adalah spesimen standar untukpengujian sifat fisik pulp



  • Capacity:  25 liters of 680 gm bone-dry pulp at 2-2.5% concentration
  • AC induction motor with stainless steel cover for pulley and belt drive
  • Stainless steel upper cover with sealing gasket
  • Control panel with start stop switches
  • Necessary tools Kit set




For laboratory beating of pulp under standardized conditions. Motor with V belt drive provided.
MS fabricated tub lined with stainless steel ground and polished.
Beater roll mounted in ball bearings in the tub valves to prevent spring action during beating.
Beater roll and bed plate made of special non-rusting alloy and are readily exchangeable.
Net tub volume 25 litres of 680 g bone dry pulp at 2 - 2.5% concentration.
Motor and V belt provided


Beater roll made of heat treateable stainless steel
Diameter 193.8 mm & width 152.4 mm
Beater roll flybar Thickness of each flybar is 4.8 mm and with a
Brinell hardness 350 - 400
Beater roll drum speed 500 rpm
Width of the bed plate 159 mm
Number of bed plate bars  7 bars, each 3.2 mm thick set in lead 2.4mm apart
  with a brinell hardness 325-375
Bed Plate diaphgram Thickness of 1.6 mm live rubber
Lever arm Casted with dead weight 5.5 Kgs
Power supply 380 V, AC 3 Phase, 1 HP
Applicable reference standard TAPPI 200, SCAN C 25, ISO 5264/1



Shipping Data

Ordering Data

Net Weight: 200 Kgs Model No
Gross weight: 280 Kgs Voltage : 440 V, 3 Phase
Dimension Frequency


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