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MPV-20B screen display PV friction testing machine


MPV-20B screen display PV friction tester adopts the form of sliding friction, which can be tested under various conditions such as drip lubrication and no lubrication and changing parameters such as load, speed, time, friction mating material, surface roughness and hardness. . It is mainly used to evaluate the friction and wear properties of bearing materials such as plastics, powder metallurgy and alloys, and to determine the reasonable matching clearance and PV value of bearings . It can also be used to measure bearing temperature rise, friction coefficient, and wear.


The test machine can meet the requirements of the standard GB/T 7948-1987 plastic bearing limit period PV test method.


Working conditions

  1. The test machine works normally under the following conditions:
  2. in the range of room temperature 10 ° C ~ 35 ° C;
  3. In an environment where the relative humidity is not more than 80% ;
  4. In the environment without vibration, non-corrosive medium and no strong electromagnetic interference;
  5. The fluctuation range of the power supply voltage should not exceed ± 10% of the rated voltage , and the frequency fluctuation should not exceed 2% of the rated frequency ;
  6. Install correctly on a stable basis with a level of 0.2/1000 .


Main technical parameters and technical performance indicators

  1. Maximum test force: 20kN
  2. Test force accuracy: ± 1%
  3. spindle speed range: 200r/min ~ 2800 r/min
  4. spindle speed control accuracy: ± 10 r / min
  5. Maximum friction torque: 40N · m
  6. Friction torque measurement accuracy: ± 3%
  7. Temperature measurement range: room temperature to 200 °C
  8. Temperature measurement accuracy: ± 2 °C
  9. input voltage: AC 380V 10%
  10.  input power: 11Kw


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