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XSCAN-3080 is attachment automatic equipment. It can a fine point PCB product skill, STACK VIA, NMBI(Nero Manhattan Bump Interconnection), Flip-Chip, BGA , etc that those are Aligh and attach. Experience a life of efficiency make product by equipment suitable for advance a method of construction.


PCB / BGA inspection

  • Focus Size : 33μm, 80kv
  • Max PCB Size : 350 x 300mm

Geometric magnification

  • Geometric Enlargement ratio : 20x
  • Enlargement on monitor : 300x
  • Automatic position teaching and replying
  • Mediocrity
  • Easy inspection by manal manipulator

Pseudo 3D image display

Simple maintenance

  • Sealed type's x-ray tube

High Resolution (option)

  • Noise clearing capacity
  • Pseudo Coloring, 3D Image

Easy to use

  • Easy to use by mouse

Inspection for BGA, PCB, MLB

  • Easy input and inspect BGA input Bed
  • void, short, excessive solder, insufficient solder inspect capacity

User-friendly and easy to use






X-ray Tube
Focus Size 33μm
Tube Current/Voltage/Power Max. 250μA/ 80kV/ 15W
Geometric Enlargement Ratio 3x to 20x
Enlargement Ratio on the Monitor 10x to 3000x
Aging (Preheating) Automatic
X-ray shield box and others
Dimension and Weight 540mm x 550mm x 1000mm (WxDxH), 150kg
Externally leaking dose 1uSv/h or less
Power Supply 220VAC±10% 50/60Hz


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