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Spring Tension & Compression Testing Machine TLW-20000


The tester is mainly used for carrying on intensity test, mechanics performance and process capacity analysis of
various kinds of springs.


  • The software consists of function modules such as speed control, parameter input, data processing, result observation, record retrieval, chart display & print, data storage, etc.
  • Diversified testing methods: test of residual height and deformation of spring under pre-set testing load; test of testing load under preset height or deformation of spring, etc.
  • Multiple points data auto-collection: avoid the impact of spring stress on the testing data. Thus the total testing process is completely automatic.
  • Overload protection and thus keep the load cell free of damage.
  • Powerful data-processing and statistic functions; able to plot stiffness curve, calculate spring segment
    stiffness, plot the normal distribution curve, calculate the index of process capability, etc.
  • Stable and reliable operation and accurate measurement powered by the drive system which is constituted by CNC Motor speed-control system or imported advanced AC servo speed-controller as well as its motor and


Specifications TLW-
Max. test load (N) 20000
Classification of testing machine Class 0.5, Class 1
Effective testing space (mm) 1000
Diameter of compression
plates (mm)
Min. reading of displacement (N) 0.01
Loading speed (mm/min) 50-500/0.05-500
Power supply AC, 220V 50HZ


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