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The direct pendulum consists of a wire suspended from the upper point and a reading station fi xed to the structure at the lower point. The wire is tensioned by a suspended weight submerged in a damper tank. Inverted pendulum The fi xed end of the inverted pen dulum is grouted at the lower point of the system. A fl oat tensions the wire vertically. When anchored to a fi xed point in the foundation, it measures absolute displacement of points along the wire. The monitoring of the wire position for both direct and inverted pendulums can be done manually and/or electrically with a remote readout unit (ref: Model RxTx Telependulum – see separate brochure). The method of reading depends upon the concept of monitoring, the ex pected values of movements, and the accuracy required. The pendulum may be equipped with a Z axis reading table, for vertical deformation


  • High accuracy and resolution
  • Long-term reliability
  • Accuracy greater than with geodesic surveys
  • Regular monitoring without frequent costly surveys
  • Telependulum, for remote readings and automatic data acquisition


Direct and inverted pendulums are designed to accurately measure the relative internal horizontal displacement of points along a true vertical line. Pendulum applications include the following:

  • Monitoring of movements within dams, dam foundations, nuclear power stations, viaduct and bridge piers
  • Monitoring of structural and foundation movements in buildings
  • Reference for surveying monitoring method The instrument has specifi c purpose in the dam monitoring build to detect sliding or overturning of blocks.



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Sangat jarang perusahaan seperti ini di Indonesia!  Mereka terus-menerus mengikuti perkembangan inovasi engineering test & measurement, “nyambung” berdiskusi teknis dan berpengalaman, memiliki visi pengembangan teknologi pengukuran, pengujian, inspeksi dan monitoring.(Dr.-Ing. Ir. May Isnan - NDT Specialist B2TKS-BPPT)


Tim kerja Alat Uji dapat diandalkan. Sangat bagus dalam implementasi di lapangan. Secara umum kami puas dengan services nya!(Andre - HSE Chevron)


Saya baru sekali ini bertemu perusahaan engineering yang eksis seperti ini di Indonesia.  Sangat terbantu dengan solusi yang diberikan, sangat memuaskan!(Muksin Saleh, ST., MT - Fuel Conversion and Pollution Control Specialist, B2TE - BPPT)


Sistem monitoring yang disuplai oleh Alat Uji adalah yang tertinggi ratingnya sampai dengan saat ini dibandingkan sistem lain yang pernah kami miliki, Dengan sistem monitoring dari Alat Uji, Pengujian kami jadi lebih terkontrol karena ada visualisasi di sistemnya. (Gatot Sukmara - Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum)

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