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Water Level Indicator


The CPR is a light and compact unit. It consists of a tape reel, a graduated tape, a control panel and a probe. Visual and audible signals are emitted when the probe comes in contact with water. Control Panel: All models are supplied with a control panel having a full complement of standard accessories. The indicator light provides a clear visual signal when the probe gets in contact with water. The on/off sensitivity switch ensures optimum battery life and allows the operator to compensate for variations in the conductivity of saline or contaminated water. Probe: The probe is specifically designed for either static or water well drawdown measurements. The brass electrode is recessed within a fluted tip to prevent the indicator from sounding prior to contact with the static or pumping water level. A convenient holder is mounted on the reel stand for probe storage. Tape : The flat tape is supplied with standard
stainless steel conductors. It is covered with an extruded transparent polyethylene jacket


  • Robust, light and easy to use
  • 1 mm or 0.01 ft graduations
  • Sensitivity control adjustable to fit water conductivity
  • Battery test button
  • Audible signal and indicator light
  • Powered by 9-volt alkaline battery
  • Smooth tapered probe design
  • Permanent tape graduations
  • Lightweight tape reel with brake


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