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Anchor Load Cell


The load sensing element is a spool of high strength heat-treated steel or aluminum that withstands rough
handling and loading. Electrical resistance strain gauges are bonded to the periphery of the spool. The gauges
are mounted in a full bridge confi guration that compensates for unevenly distributed loads. High resistance
strain gauges are used to minimize cable effects. The load cells are compensated for temperature variations
encountered during normal operations. A steel housing with o-ring seals covers the spool and pro tects the strain gauges from mechanical damage and water infi ltration. A plain PVC or armor-jacketed electrical cable is wired directly to the cell or is con nected via a detachable multi-pin connector. On large cells, the cable exit is parallel to the surface of the steel housing to give better clearance.


  • Rugged waterproof construction
  • Eccentric loading possible
  • High stability and sensitivity
  • Versatile design – fits all types of rockbolts or tiebacks
  • Temperature compensated
  • Compatible with conventional strain indicator readouts
  • May be used to monitor prop loads



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