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Magnetic Reed Switch Probe Extensometer System


The R-4 magnetic probe extensometer consists of an array of magnetic targets, surrounding a common access pipe, positioned at different depths along the length of a borehole or the height of an embankment or fill. A reed switch probe, lowered down the access pipe, de tects the position of the magnet anchors outside the tube. The probe is suspended by a single graduated tape that incorporates the electrical leads. The tape graduation is used to determine the deformation between magnetic anchor points along the pipe's axis.
The magnetic anchors are available in two confi gu rations: leaf spring anchor, for borehole installation, and
plate anchor, for embankment or fi ll installation. The leaf spring anchor can be pushed in place or lowe red
with the access pipe and released with an external draw wire. The plate anchor consists of a plate with a central hole. The plate anchors are installed with the access pipe as the construction of the embankment or fi ll proceeds. Telescoping access pipes are used where deformations ex ceeding 1% are expected. The R-4 system is compatible with standard inclinometer casings. Roctest Telemac highly recommands using a probe centralizer for repeatable readings. The R-4 system can be used with inclinometer casings.


The R-4 magnetic probe extensometer is used to measure set tlement of soils at various depths and produce
a settle ment profile at a given point to determine:

  • Consolidation of foundation soils
  • Settlement within embankments and dams
  • Deformation around excavations



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