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Tachometer | DT-5TG


3 Models Available
DT-5TG-0 - Panel Tach Without module connectors
DT-5TG-1 - Panel Tach with 1 connector for 1 module
DT-5TG-2 - Panel Tach with 2 connectors for 1 or 2 modules

Accurately display RPM, surface speed, flow or production data scaled to any engineering units.

An additional mode displays the elapsed time required to travel a fixed distance at a pre-selected speed for baking and similar conveyor applications.

One or two Plug-In Modules can be added to enhance the DT-5TG capabilities to meet your application requirements.


  • User-set Hi and Lo limits
  • Snap-in installation without tools, brackets or screws mounted into panel cutout 92x45 mm
  • Accepts various modules; works with a variety of sensors
  • Fully scalable to set value in desired engineering units
  • Highly accurate
  • User-set display update time, decimal points and scalable to any engineering units
  • Provides 12 V DC to power an external sensor
  • Set-up data is easily entered via front panel keys and is not lost during power failures
  • Powered by 85 - 265VAC or optionally, 24V DC
  • Self-testing ability



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