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Power and Energy AnalyzerC.A 8352


Complete electrical network analysis at the tips of your fingers The C.A 8352 is an electrical network analysis instrument (harmonics, power, EN 50160, flicker, etc.). Easy to use, this instrument can be programmed and read at the touch of the screen, in the particularly user-friendly Windows environment.


All measurements for complete analysis: powers, harmonics, flicker, symmetry, remote control signals, etc.
■ Self-explanatory use
■ Touch screen user interface
■ Data processing and report publishing software
■ Monitoring as per EN 50160 standard
■ Network connection

Internal memory data storage: 6 months recording capacity
✔ Navigable, easy-to-use file structure
✔ Monitoring and network connection capacity
✔ Protocol write-ups and test report publishing
✔ Simultaneous function display
✔ Instrument use simplified with touch screen and WindowsTM operating system


Voltage inputs: 4 channels up to 2 kVpp
Current inputs: 4 channels,
range depends on sensors used:
MN 95: 0.2 to 6 A
C145 clamp: 2 to 1200 A
AmpFLEX A195: 25 to 3000 A Accuracy: < 1%
Analogue inputs: Up to 16 channels, max.1 Hz (optional)
For recording environmental conditions,
depending on the application
Binary input: 1 external 24 VDC channel for recording start-up
With transient option: 1 binary output, dry contact, 100 V max
(for “transient triggering” status)
1 external 24 VDC binary input (for “transient
triggering” mode start-up)
Main processor: 256 Mbyte RAM for recording start-up
Working memory: 10 Gbytes
Display: 10" LCD color screen
User interface: touch screen
Equipment interface: 1 USB port for keyboard, 2 x RS232 ports:
data logger (optional), printer, binary I/O
Sampling rate: 9.6 kHz/channel maximum (38.4 kHz in transient mode, be it 25 μs)


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