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Bekk smoothness tester, HK model NO.2041


Smoothness of paper is one of the important factors to evaluate writing and printing aptitudes of paper. With this machine, test is conducted in the following procedure: place a sheet of paper on the well polished surface of glass constituting an optical surface, apply a 0.1 MPa pressure on the top of the paper and measure the time needed for a 10 cc air to penetrate through the gap between the paper surface and the glass surface. To solve the problem of consumption of much time for measurement of specimens with a high smoothness, a rapid measurement system is provided, which is able to measure penetration time of 1 cc air, 1/10 of the standard air volume.


Measurement area 10 +0.05 cm2
Specimen pressurization 100 kPa
Pressurization type cam
Vacuum meter digital
Timer max.99999.9 seconds
Measurement vacuum 50.7 to 48.0 kPa
Measurement air volume 10 cc or 1 cc, selectable
Referential standards JIS P-8119-1998, TAPPI T479om-99, ISO 5627
Power source single-phase 100/110 VAC 50/60 Hz 1A
Outer dimensions 420x300x530 mm
Instrument weight 24 kg


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