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Flat screen No.2625


This equipment is used for refining digested pulp and measuring knots. The mechanism gives vibration to digested pulp placed inside the screen box through the bottom screen resting on the rubber diaphragm, sucks them toward the screen plate and discharges them, alternately repeating, promoting passage of digested fibers and sifting through good-quality pulp.


Standard type:

Screen box 304x254x220 mm
Screen plate slit or round hole 6/1000” to 50/1000” or 2 mm to 5 mm in diameter
Vibration frequency of diaphragm 700 rpm
Amplitude 3.2 mm
Gate height 100 mm
Power source three-phase 200/220 VAC 50/60 Hz 2A
Outer dimensions 600x650x1200 mm
Instrument weight 106 kg

Large-sized type:

Screen box 430x362x300 mm
Screen plate slit or round hole 6/1000” to 50/1000” or 2 mm to 5 mm in diameter
Vibration frequency of diaphragm 700 rpm
Amplitude 4.4 mm
Gate height 100 mm
Capacity capacity ratio of standard type to large type = 1/4
Outer dimensions 710x670x1250 mm
Instrument weight 182 kg
Power source three-phase 200/220 V 50/60 Hz 2A


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