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Laboratory floatator No.2583


This floatator is needed in the deinking process as well as a highconcentration pulp breaker in the DIP and paper recycling processes. With this tester, the principle of the floating selection methodis applied to deinking. Carbon black, vehicle, etc. are lipophilic and are deposited on foams. As foams float on the liquid surface, the inking substances are removed with foams. The floatation method has become a common method of deinking as it is advantageous in that the amount of fiber loss is minor and the water consumption is limited. Rotations of the impeller cause suction of air and agitation at the same time to generate micro air bubbles. It ensures a stable pulp surface, and the internal environment is efficiently maintained to that no part of it remains stagnant. The
operator can visually check the pulp state by seeing through the stainless-framed glass specimen tank. The impeller shaft is made of stainless steel. Steplessly variable speed control is enabled. A suction air volume adjustment cock is provided for adjusting air bubble generation/termination and conditioning as needed. The froth layer discharged from the specimen tank is received in a separate retainer for measurement of the total amount.


Specimen 75 g
Specimen tank capacity 5 l, made of SUS-304 (lined with glass)
Concentration 1 %
Rotation speed 720 to 2800 rpm
Referential standard J.TAPPI No.39 (Deinking test method for waste paper)
Power source 100/110 VAC 50/60 Hz 5A
Instrument weight 53 kg


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