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Stamp coloring machine No.2083


The advancement of electronic technologies has contributed to development of various recording systems. Among other methods, thermal recording is a popular one as it can be implemented in a recorder that is low in cost, compact in size and superior in maintainability,leading to massive consumption of thermal paper. As a result, there is an increasing demand for evaluation of thermal paper. This tester is an application of the conventional thermal gradient system heat seal tester to testing of thermal paper. Its heat plate is heated prior to testing with five temperature settings between 70 and 1500C. Then, the specimen paper is pressed with a low pressure so that the coloring density is measured on a densitometer, based on which the coloring sensitivity of the paper is evaluated.


IHeat plate 25x25 mm 5 pieces (each plate is independent)
Temperature range 50 to 2500C
Surface pressure 10 to 80 kPa (pneumatic)
Pressurizing time 0.5 to 10 seconds (with timer), manual for pressurizing for longer than 10 seconds
Temperature control power control with thryster specifically for each plate
Heat regulator thermoelctric
Heater 100/110 V, 150 W, 5 heaters
Outer dimensions 1200x500x1550 mm
Instrument weight 167 kg


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